Bolton could sell Al Habsi in January

Al Habsi has impressed while on a season-long loan at Wigan and a number of Premier League clubs are reportedly keeping tabs on the Omani international.

“It’s all hearsay at the moment,” said Coyle. “But if a bid comes in we’ll sit down with Ali and his advisors and look at it.

“We can’t really talk about it until it happens. We know he’s been playing well, but we knew he was a top goalkeeper when we loaned him out.

“He needed to play and it was a great deal business wise for the club and it allowed Ali to play Premier League matches as well as enabling us to promote Adam Bogdan, who is also an excellent keeper.

“It was a win-win situation for us. If a bid comes in January, we’ll look at it, and do the right thing for the football club.”