Fergie: I have not thought of retiring

Reports have suggested that Fergie was ready to retire from football management at the end of next season.

He told News of the World: “Why would I pack it in at the moment? I don’t ever think about it any more — it’s all out of my mind. It doesn’t come into it now. I don’t even think about it.

“I am not even going to put myself into that situation where I am thinking should I this year, should I next year?”

He continued: “No, I won’t wake up one day and say that’s it. I wouldn’t do that. The time to retire would be at the end of the summer. I used to say top players don’t retire at the end of the season.

“I remember Billy McNeill retiring at the end of the season then he got through the summer and he was wanting to go again – he was sorry he retired.

“You have a summer break and get refreshed again you want to go again.

“But if you have your holiday and come in for the first training session and think – not another training session, I think that would be the time.

“Then you are fed up with actually going into training. I love going into training.”