Fergie pledges future to Birmingham

Ferguson joined the Blues from Rangers after winning the 2009 Scottish Premier League and Scottish Cup double.

“I love it here,” he told the Sunday Mercury. “I have said plenty of times before I wasn’t enjoying my football during the last few months in Scotland.

“I made the decision with Rangers that I had to move on because I was going pretty stale up the road. I was playing the same teams week in, week out.

“The manager gave me the opportunity to come down and I think I had to prove again that I could play at this level.

“I’m enjoying every minute of it. The boys are fantastic, everything about the club is great and I’m enjoying my football.

“I have got another two years left on my contract now and hopefully I will see them out.”

“People look at me as if I’m stupid, but it’s definitely the best team spirit I’ve ever experienced, I’ve ever played in,” he continued.

“I’m not just saying that because I’m enjoying myself. You go in and you see at half-time, even when we are on top in a game, people are still at each other.

“Not fighting or anything like that, but it’s great. It should be like that.

“We don’t like our standards to fall and, if anybody does let them fall, then there’s someone else down their throat.

“It makes the manager’s job a lot easier.”