Owen reckons he is a better player now

The England striker has revealed he was tipped off about a possible move to the Red Devils by former United midfielder Nicky Butt, who played alongside Owen at Newcastle.

“Nicky said: ‘Don’t tell anyone I’ve called you, especially not the manager, but he was asking about you, how you are training. So just to put you on your toes in case he does call’,” Owen told the Daily Telegraph.

“My wife was in another room. I shouted at her and we were both really excited.”

Owen added: “As soon as he said ‘Michael’, I knew it was him [Ferguson]. His voice is pretty distinctive so I knew it wasn’t a wind-up.

“He said: ‘We are looking for a striker. Carlos [Tevez] is leaving. We went for Benzema and once that was a no-go we looked around for players who are going to score goals.

“Obviously the big question is if you are fit – then it’s a no-brainer. Others will see it as a risk but I don’t’.”

Owen has dismissed suggestions he has lost his pace in recent seasons.

He continued: “I felt I was at a dead end but a road will open up. I am still only 29. I am in my 40s the way a lot of people talk about me! I have ‘lost a yard’ for the last nine years!

“The hamstring problems early in my career knocked a yard off my pace straight away but since then I have been the same player. I am 100 per cent the same player I was in Munich [scoring that 2001 hat-trick for England].

“I wasn’t whizzing past players then like when I was 18. But if there is 10 yards to spring the offside and take a shot, there is no one who will catch me.

“I have those first quick strides but it is not just speed but reactions, game awareness and experience. I’ve always known where a ball is going to drop more than others. If anything I have improved.”