Sunderland ace targets revenge

The Black Cats lost 5-1 at St James’ Park earlier in the season and Richardson is desperate to inflict a similar results on Newcastle on Sunday.

He told The Sun: “It was awful, all doom and gloom because things couldn’t have been much worse.

“Then we had to wait around afterwards for our bus and we could hear their fans singing and chanting and it wasn’t nice.

“It was great for Newcastle but I’m sure if we win on Sunday then we’ll give them the same treatment.

“I don’t think we need to talk about what happened. We suffered enough embarrassment last time and none of us want to feel like that again. All the lads involved in that game want to put things right.

“It’s right down there with the lowest moments of my career. We’ve lost matches before but to lose in a derby like that was massive.

“We have to avoid a repeat and make sure we win, and as long as we do that, that’ll be fine with me.”