Young to stay at Aston Villa

Young has been linked with a move to Hull City.

“That’s news to me. He has, personally, a lot of things to consider at this minute,” he told Villa’s official wesbite.

“I would have thought a move would be the last thing on his mind and no-one from Hull has contacted us about him.”

Luke’s half-brother Andre died while on holiday in Greece this summer.

“I’ll give Luke all the time he needs, obviously. It’s painful, devastating, sad and he’s asked for a little bit of time and I’ve absolutely given it to him,” O’Neill explained.

“This is his brother. I know it’s his half brother but I think they were pretty close. It puts things into perspective.

“Speaking to him before his tragic event, he was frustrated during pre-season. He came back raring to go, the calf injury had cleared up so it was really frustrating for him to get this latest injury.”